

1. 創業與自媒體:很多年沒有經營自己的部落格,主要原因是自從創辦美股狙擊手之後,希望把流量放在自己的網站上,各位讀者有興趣,可以造網美股狙擊手網站:www.usstocks.com.tw,之所以回頭來經營自己的部落格,主要的原因是我有更重要的事情想完成:終極目標,用一個類似基金的方式,教會更多人正確的投資或者理財觀念。有興趣理解我多年前的夢想的人,可以觀看ETF實驗基金的相關文章,我也打算將過去雜亂的ETF實驗基金文章,做比較有系列的整理。透過部落格類似日記的方式監督自己!!

2. 自我反省、整理的過程:回顧我多年前寫的文章,有一種隱隱約約覺得自己這幾年在創立美股狙擊手後,迷失了自己想做的事情。美股狙擊手固然是一個自己當初分析美股的大數據模板,並將手動化的資料收集、整理、分析並圖像化表示,但是一家新創要面對的壓力,以及與合夥夥伴之間經營的temple不同,讓我決定不參與內部經營。美股狙擊手還是一個我投資的平台,需要的外部協助,以及任何未來改版的規劃,我也會提供我的意見。但是那些Coding , Engineering ,我的partner 比我更在行。


3. 一本書的啟發:我在共享辦公室一天的下午,偶然拾起一本書,他是部落客Asutin Kleon 寫的一本書,如何Show your Work , 作者提到的觀念,刺激我重新分享,我能說這本書是一個催化劑,讓我開始決定分享。如果你不知道我在說什麼,可以看看這本書

4.信仰上的刺激:在過去半年內,我開始接受基督的信仰,過去三年內,我從local 證券公司發起金融科技專案難產、創辦美股狙擊手、美股狙擊手公司化、募資,退出經營美股狙擊手,以及在美國券商工作的經歷中,在我的家庭、生活、工作、創業之間,我遇到極大的挑戰,信仰給我很大的幫助,我知道什麼是唯一的真理(如果你曾經走過捷徑、曾經面對攻擊,你會知道我在說什麼)。我理解的這個信仰與過去我的家族信仰不同的是:你知道你的人生會有苦難,但你能夠用平安、喜樂的方式面對這些苦難。God Bless All the people I know or people who ever cares about me or family



There might be some friends that cares about me but you cannot read Chinese . Hopefully I will be able to remember to have some English write up. If not , try using google translate 

it's have been long time that i haven't write sth from my heart . Finally comes the article 

1. Startup : i was focusing on the my website called USSTOCKS.com but I was lost during this startup Journey .  Now I realize I have sth big to do .  I planned on the goal to setup a fund to teach , inspire people to do invest or financial planning in a right way .   I need to concentrate on what I believed 

2.  Self  reflection : I was reading my previous articles , but I could find myself now.  Reason was paying too much attention on the website I build but I forgot what I believed . 
I quitted the website running , I am not really good at it . 

The Blogger , this website is my voice , my precious legacy that showing my spirit in the world . 

3. catalyst from a Book: This book called Show your work by Austin Kleon , you could read it if you want to know why it motivated me 

4.  Belief and Faith  :   I Faced lots of challenge during the past few years , from the internal startup back to the days I am with a local securities firms . The pressure was more  challenging when I startup the Company (for USSTOCKS ).  I took the shortcut , I was blamed with bad voice. But the Faith from Jesus helps me to learn the only truth , the right way to do things . Thanks for the people that guided me on the way to the faith . FPC、真理堂、宣道堂、the river of life

please come to visit me once a while 
mail: m.edleson@gmail.com  (read the box every week !) 




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