
目前顯示的是 6月, 2012的文章

Us consensus revision

================================================================================ 美股專家認為 June 4 June 1 May 31 -Daily Change- Analyst 獲利預估若一直向上修正,容易有正的驚奇史,對股價有激勵效果 2012 2012 2012 Percent Level Rating ================================================================================ ----- Calendar 2Q 2012 EPS Estimate Revisions---- Higher estimates 6 6 8 Lower estimates 35 24 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SanDisk $0.20 $0.19 $0.19 5.3% $0.01 4.00 Mattel Inc $0.21 $0.20 $0.20 5.0% $0.01 4.36 Gap Inc/The $0.38 $0.37 $0.37 2.7% $0.01 3.36 Monsanto Co $1.49 $1.46 $1.42 2.1% $0.03 4.09 SCANA Corp. $0.50 $0.49 $0

3D printing

3D Printing Industry Will Reach $3.1 Billion Worldwide by 2016 + Comment now 99   286     99   2   96   Additive Manufacturing, aka 3D Printing, will reach $3.1 billion worldwide by 2016 and $5.2 billion by 2020. In the 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing world, you can’t go far without hearing the name: Terry Wohlers. He is the man who built Wohlers Associates with 25-plus years of studying, analyzing, and forecasting growth to give you those numbers above. Did you think 3D Printers and Rapid Prototyping were new? If so, you will want to read and study some of Mr. Wohlers’ work and legacy. He’s been deep in the industry for more than two decades, as mentioned above, and most people think this industry is only a few years old. Far from it. I read an excerpt of his 2011 report:  Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing State of the Industry Annual Worldwide Progress Report  and then spoke with him by phone. In less than 30 m


NeuroSky公司取代苹果的霸主地位? 作者  灵希助手   于2011 年 12 月 28 日   在 企业   浏览:807 次阅读   |   3 条评论 在过去十年,我们见证了苹果公司的辉煌。凭借ipod、iphone、ipad等新科技产品,苹果创下了一个又一个销售奇迹,股价也从当初的9美元一路飙升到如今的300美元,成为全美市值第二的明星企业,也奠定了其在科技领域的霸主地位。然而,在如今这个新秀辈出、瞬息万变的时代,没有任何企业能够永远辉煌。 既然当初苹果能凭借新科技登上霸主宝座,其他有潜力的企业自然也能凭借全新的科技将苹果从霸主宝座上挤下来,成为下一个苹果。因此有人预测,未来能取代苹果霸主地位的企业将在以下10家中产生: 1.微软 2. Visa公司 3.美国亚马逊公司 4.谷歌 5.时代华纳公司 6.美国Facebook 7.魅族科技 8.索尼 9.美国Hulu视频网 10. NeuroSky神念科技 微软、谷歌等明星大企不必多说,自然有与苹果相抗衡的底气和实力,但NeuroSky作为一家04年才成立的创业公司,有何实力能与苹果叫板,取代苹果的霸主地位呢? NeuroSky 公司与它的脑电波技术 Neurosky神念科技是一家成立于2004年,总部设在美国圣何塞州的硅谷创业公司,公司主要的研究方向是生物传感器和信号处理技术,具体地说,就是脑电波技术。看过电影《阿凡达》的人应该都记得前海军战士杰克·萨利通过头上戴着的复杂设备,利用意念操控阿凡达的那一幕。虽然这只是导演卡梅隆虚构的一场戏,但用“意念”来操控物体却并不是遥不可及的梦,NeuroSky公司发明的脑电波技术已经实现了这一梦想。 09年美国的消费电子展(CES)上,NeuroSky与全球最大的玩具厂商美泰公司联合推出了一款脑波控制玩具MindFlex。玩家可以用“意志”让小球悬浮至空中,意念越专注,小球就漂浮越高。MIndFlex一经推出便销售一空,迄今为止,Mindflex已在欧美市场创下100万套的销售记录。 除此之外,NeuroSky还运用脑电波技术发明了一个头戴式耳机大小的脑波测量设备,使脑波技术的大规模民用化成为可能。现如今,IBM也在研究智能手机和PC的意念控制技术,准备利用意念来控制电脑,并预测该电

20120601 5 new tech

20120601 WSJ Top 5 in Tech 1. SpaceX Dragon(Wiki翻譯天龍號太空船),是首個由私人公司建造並發射到太空的飛行器,任務為替NASA運送物資到太空站,該飛行器於2012/5/22起飛,並於2012/5/31成功返回。據稱SpaceX這間公司已與NASA簽訂的合約,總值最高可達30億 美 元。 Comment 這個案例,開啟未來私人經營太空運輸貨運的業務的首例。 2.在餐廳桌上放置ipad,可用以點菜、付帳,期間給小朋友玩遊戲。 Comment:服務業講求服務,若都藉由機器來服務,給消費者冷冰冰的感覺,餐廳的生意會好嗎?如果是連鎖餐廳或許可以考慮吧!!如Mcdonald、Mr. Donut等速食業者吧! 3.Blackberry 新的CEO上任後,將推出更強大的OS,拭目以待 4.Tim cook @ D10未來將持續推出更多創新的產品 5.用腦力控制遊戲,透過在頭上的裝置,藉由遊戲來訓練專注力。目前在加州北部已有兩個業者推出產品。其中一家為Neursky神念科技,產品已引進台灣。TWD4900 with 10games 。神念曾經與Mattel 推出mindflex產品,透過腦力移動、 升高 一顆球,甚至穿越洞口。
1 Huge Consumer Trend That Could Make You Rich By Jeremy Bowman | More Articles June 1, 2012 | Comments (2) Watch stocks you care about The single, easiest way to keep track of all the stocks that matter... Your own personalized stock watchlist! It's a 100% FREE Motley Fool service... Click Here Now New York Mayor and public health crusader Michael Bloomberg struck another blow in the soda wars Thursday. Bloomberg, whose battle against smoking has gone as far as banning it from city parks, now seeks to limit the size of non-diet soda and other sugary drinks that can be sold in food-service establishments. All sweetened drinks including fountain soda, bottled soda, sweetened iced teas, and fruit drinks above 16 ounces would be banned at places such as restaurants, movie theaters, food carts, and sports events. The proposal awaits the approval of the City Board of Health, which is expected as all the members have been appointed by Bloomberg. In the past, other municipalities hav
Dow Dogs Might Work this Summer for Risk-Averse Investors High-dividend, high-quality stocks could provide relative security during what is shaping up to be another turbulent summer for the stock market. The Dogs of the Dow fit this description and frequently outperform when the stock market struggles. That was the case last year and again in May of this year. Risk-averse investors may want to consider these stocks for the intermediate term. The Dogs Approach The Dogs of the Dow are the ten Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks with the highest dividend yield. The Dogs investment approach involves buying these stocks at the start of each year and selling them at the end of the year, starting over again with the new year. The strategy has two advantages. First, these stocks provide an excellent dividend yield. Second, the stocks of these high-quality companies are often depressed for reasons that prove temporary, and there are usually one or two of the stocks that significant